Friday, 21 December 2007

merry xmas & happy new year

ppl i m back..its v v v long since i update..i m really busy with work and mostly entertainment hehehe.. how have i been over the past few months...hmm as usually, i have been to lotsa events thanks to my sis who brought me along whenever theres fun and not to forget those heavenly food..hehheh
ok my office, with 2 huge tv, korean drama series? hehheh

AND...A really Cool Lappy ^_^ for me & colleague each!

ok enulf abt my office and work, as for my personal life, i m still happily with my Bee and still as playful as make new grp of good friends and they are really nice to get me a set of body shop products.. recently bought quite alot of stuff need more than one update to show the stuffs i bought but then that will be next updates .. ^_^ Oh not to forget my precious *inno got its own pillow abd blanket + a new friend.. =D

And lastly the most impt thing is...ME with my short frindge..but that was 2 months ago, i got a new hair cut and treatment now my hair is fiery red, i didnt dye my hair, i went for some hair color treatment to revive my dry blonde strands of hair..haha will show u again